Friday, September 3, 2010


Please try to understand the correct implication of the term “successful life”. When you

talk of success with reference to life, it does not merely mean succeeding in everything that you

undertake or do; it does not merely mean succeeding in fulfilling all wants or getting whatever

you desire; it does not just mean acquiring a name or attaining a position or imitating fashionable

ways and appearing modern or up-to-date.

The essence of true success is what you make of yourself. It is the conduct of life that

you develop, it is the character that you cultivate, and it is the type of person you become. This is

the central meaning of successful living. Such successful life is one that succeeds in producing

an ideal individual. Your success is not measured in terms of what all you obtain but in terms of

what you become, how you live, and what actions you do. Upon this point reflect well and attain

great happiness.

Are you committed to something very definite, very clear, very unmistakable? Ask

yourself this question. Keep on asking until you are clear, until you are absolutely certain about

your answer to this question. For according to your commitment, that will be your life.

God’s plan for you is the ultimate experience of the divine perfection which is your

innermost reality, which is your true Self. Let life become this process of fulfilling God’s plan

for you. You will bless your own immediate environment, your nation and the entire world.

The Law of Attraction

     One of the most well documented theories of New Age thought is the Law of Attraction. Simply put, it suggests that you will always encounter, in your life, those things which you think about on a regular basis.

There are many ideas, which have persisted throughout the course of human history, that have been blended to form the theory, so understanding it may take some time and research. However, because this ‘law’ essentially proposes you can achieve pretty-much anything you want simply by changing your thinking patterns, it remains one of the most interesting ideas to have been championed in recent years.

Though the basic idea itself has come under attack from a number of sources, anecdotal evidence at least, suggests that some correlation between thoughts and future experiences might well exist on some level. If nothing else, the proposal encourages people to consider the overall scope of their thoughts and emotions; and that can be no bad thing.

Many would argue that personal attributes such as the ability to maintain a positive attitude have a great effect on the circumstances of life; and so, at the root, our basic thinking might be found to be the ultimate cause of many positive and negative experiences in life.